Science (journal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia According to the Journal Citation Reports, Science's 2013 impact factor was 31.477. Although it is the ...
Science Signaling - Scimago Journal & Country Rank The SJR indicator measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how ...
Science Signaling Impact Factor (IF)|2014|2013|2012 ... Year, Impact Factor (IF), Total Articles, Total Cites. 2013/2014, 6.337, 187, 6207. 2012, 7.648, 182, 5168. 2011, 7.499, 177, 3597. 2010, 6.12, 173, 2168. 2009, - ...
Cell, Nature, Science boycott: What was Randy Schekman's ... 2013年12月11日 - Schekman has used the bully pulpit of the Nobels to spark a conversation that science dearly needs to have about the cult of the impact factor.
E-Letters | Science Signaling | Science/AAAS Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 is a key inhibitor of TGFβ signaling in the .... Do Bigger and "Better" Labs Have Easier Access to High Impact Factor Journals?
Science Signaling - ResearchGate Impact factor. 7.65. 5-year impact. 7.60. Cited half-life. 2.80. Immediacy index. 1.48. Eigenfactor. 0.04. Article influence. 3.64. Other titles. Science signaling ...
Journal Impact Factor 2014 | Impact Factor List 2012 | 2013 ... Search Journal Impact Factor List 2014 .... 8181, Science Signaling, 1945-0877, 6.337, 7.648, 7.499, 6.12, -, -. 8182, Science Of Sintering, 0350-820X, 0.444 ...
Science Signaling - Impact Factor Search ISSN: 1937-9145 (Print), 1945-0877 (Online). Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Country: Correspondence Address: Amer Assoc ...
Re: How low an impact factor is too low? - Science Careers Forum ... When push comes to shove, you are far better off publishing than not publishing at all. The value of your work has to do with getting the findings ...
Science Signaling - MedSci editing 2013 SCI impact factor query ... Abbr./Fullname, ISSN, impact factor, MedSci index*, Article number, Publication support ... Science Signaling, 1945-0877, 6.337 ...